Students return to hybrid learning

On January 8th, 2021, Wichita Public Schools held a BOE meeting that resulted in the new learning phase for high schools in USD 259. Hybrid learning would come in effect on  January 25th  and the students of North High were eager to come back. Here is a sum up of the first week of Hybrid Learning.

Elizabeth Anglin, a junior at North High, said  “Going back to school on Monday almost felt unreal.” She emphasizes the fact that all the adults and staff members are excited to see students as they ask about the students well being, “It’s nice to feel welcomed. However, it was so much different,” Elizabeth goes on about saying how it is not the way it used to be.

Which is expected with all the new rules and regulations everyone must follow to stay safe.

What you were once able to do with friends everyday, like actually communicating in person is now replaced with a computer screen in which you only see pictures and icons.

“However some interaction is better than none, overall I am glad I’m doing in person for the two days. Those two days I get to dress up, be productive, and meet new people. Yeah the masks also suck but it’s better than having nothing.”- Elizabeth Anglin

I spoke to Randy Griffitts one of the Journalism teachers here at North and he says that the biggest concern teachers had with students coming back, was not letting the students think they were prioritizing on-site or online students over the other. He along with most students is glad to have Wednesdays full remote.

As a student I would say it allows us to get caught up on work and have time take a breath.

As a teacher Mr.Griffitts sets Wednesdays aside for check-ins with the students fully on remote learning.

Assistant Principal Lance Ramirez says “We know that hybrid learning is not the same experience as what we are all previously accustomed to, however, given the reality of the situation we are appreciative of the chance to meet with our students face to face. ”

When asked about the split lunch schedule Mr.Ramirez said it was something all WPS high schools were asked to implement.  “From a student perspective I am sure the smaller lunch groups are not popular as it limits the time we get to see some of our friends.  Ultimately, the need for safety is what compels that sacrifice however, hopefully we will get back to some semblance of normal sometime in the future.”

I want to leave you, the reader, with some of my own words. I know I am not the only student to believe that they lost half of their high school experience. However I understand the circumstances we are in and know I have to adjust. I ask of you, whether you are a student, teacher, staff member, family member, or even someone just part  the community, don’t make this new lifestyle harder than it is.

Follow the correct protocols and restrictions so that we may all return the the life we loved and had before.