Anniversary of September 11,2001: A Day to Never be Forgotten.

Ellie stockwell

September 11, 2001, more than two thousand people lost their lives due to two planes being Image result for 9/11hijacked and crashing into the world trade center… and later the Pentagon.  This was an attack that most  students in high school  today wouldn’t remember because they were born after it had happened. For people  who were alive and remember the event, it came as a shock- all over the United States. One teacher, Mrs. Randolph, said, “That day, I didn’t even know what was going on until someone else showed me. Then, I heard a commotion in the hall as teachers were rounding up students  into the classrooms with TVs in them to watch just as the second tower came down. It was completely silent in the rooms and nothing got done that entire day.”

My father, Gary Frank Stockwell Jr., a former Fire Fighter and EMT, told me about his time as an EMT when he was at the scene as one of the towers crumbled. “People were dying all around me, and I could do nothing to stop it. People I saw were burned, bleeding, I saw bodies hitting the pavement from poor souls who chose to jump rather then die to the flames.”

Since then, the date “September 11” has been a day of tribute and remembrance for all those who lost their lives.