The Come Up Is Real


Denita Jones, Staff

The North high football team has beat the 21 loosing game streak with a 29 – 22 win against South high. Also just this week North beat Liberal 13-6 starting a new streak , a winning streak. The question is what’s changed in the past 15 years?

There are many variables that our North high starters think may have benefited them. “I feel as if this year the more strict enforcement and coaching has helped as well as all the conditioning and camps,” senior Tayton Jenkins said.

Some would say that team chemistry has player a role.

Over the summer the boys where involved in numerous events and camps, even volunteer involvement. The football team has put numerous fundraisers together, one including cleaning up after the Riverfest, in return for money for new football gear and other fees.

Others like Chris Zaricki feel as if “The players mental and physically wanting to win and get out there” is the real reason behind North’s Football success.

So far, who can argue with that?