International Club

Carina Barron, Reporter

Here at North we have many clubs. One of the many clubs we have here is the International Club. Mr.Kelderman is sponsor. This club has been around for over two years.

Kelderman has always been interested in travel and studying  different parts of the world.

“When I was a student at North we had people from all kinds of different countries and so as you mingle as a student with the people you kinda learn a little bit from other countries, cultures, and different ethnicity,” Kelderman said.

This made him more interested and once he got older in life. Mr.Kelderman had the opportunity so travel and also got to volunteer. All of this got him interested even more. He also says “as you travel you get to see how great it is to show hospitality.”

Here at north there is always more students from around the world and help others learn more. They do traditional things here. Anyone is able to join this club. Mr. Kelderman wants more students to join to help them out and is working on a scholarship.