Empty Bowls

Celia Eichbauer and Carlie Nagy

Saturday October 28th Empty Bowls collected money by holding a silent auction at WSU Henrion Hall for bowls made by students and other members of the community. This year, the goal was to raise roughly $25,000. If you donate at least $20 (10 for students) you get to choose a bowl to keep as a “reminder of all the empty bowls in the world.” Once you buy a bowl you can fill it with soups and chili made by local restaurants, served by local celebrity chiefs. All proceeds are donated to The Kansas Food Bank of Wichita in honor of hunger awareness month.

North High’s ceramic 2 class made 40 bowls to donate; they were expected to make roughly $800. “ North High students enjoy bringing art into the community by raising money to help end the fight against hunger” art teacher Tina Thomas said.