National Honor Society gets to work

Marlen Castaneda, Reporter

National Honors Society is a group formed of nearly 80 academically advanced students that are recognized by colleges. Being in NHS is having good character and giving to the community. In order to join, you have to have 3.5 GPA or higher and at least 25 hours of community service.”Signing up, you let people know you are a student of high quality and high standards,” said Kim Hewitt, the sponsor of National Honors Society.

NHS meets once a month during lunch to plan activities for volunteer work. They had their first meeting just last week. In that meeting, they got all the officers introduced and explained most of the activities they’d help out in. Some of the community service opportunities they participate in are swim meets, Madrigal feast, woof stock, solo/ensemble festival, and shirt sales. They also emphasize in-school activities such as spirit week and the exploration of clubs.

As for points and attendance, students earn points for all the meetings they attend. Usually it’s one point per meeting but depending on the activity, students can earn up to two points. These points add up to being able to run for office (sophomore and juniors) and earning a chore (seniors).

The four tenements for NHS are scholarship, service, leadership and character. Hewitt says the point is “to be involved in the community.” If you want to know more about NHS, please contact Mrs.Hewitt for more information.