Schedule Change

Marissa Ontiveros, Reporter

One big change this school year has been the schedule. Previously, lunch was at different times every day, because the white day schedule had five classes and red days had four classes. But this year students have the same number of classes every day, so lunch is at the same time. It has made a big difference on students have to start school a little early than last year. Some benefits are the extra class they added “I think its great they added another class, because it helped me take classes that i wanted instead of worrying about getting my credits.” says Maria Montanez. Most students like how it can be helpful but also feel like its the same thing everyday.

Last year, classes were 97 minutes long to make up for less school days in the calendar. Many teachers and students felt that 97-minute classes were too long, so teachers voted to change the schedule, making classes 84 minutes.. Now school starts at 7:50 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m.