Random Acts of Kindness Week

Jasmine Martin

This week at North High School FCCLA sponsored “Random Acts of Kindness” Week. Each day there were different random acts of kindness that students, teachers and North High School Faculty were encouraged to do. Monday was Smile Monday, which means flash someone a smile and keep a smile. Tuesday was Say Something Nice Tuesday. Everyone in the North High community were encouraged to give a meaningful compliment, and graciously accept compliments. On Note Wednesday anyone at North could give someone a note of gratitude or encouragement.  On Thank You Thursday everyone was encouraged to use their manners and say please and thank you. High Five Friday will end the week of “Random Acts of Kindness” and students at North High School are encouraged to give high fives for great answers given in class.  “Random Acts of Kindness” Week was started a few years ago after Mrs. Delforge attended a “Dude be Nice” conference and decided to bring it to North High. According to Mrs. Delforge this week is meant to help people to not only be kind but to think of others as well.  This week students were also encouraged write down random acts of kindness that they saw others do on a slip of paper and turn it into a box in front of the main office. Random acts of kindness  will be recognize this Friday at the Pep Assembly. Two students and staff will be recognized and be given a gift of a candy bar or gift card.