On Friday May 3rd, there was an AVID Banquet hosted in the cafeteria, particularly only seniors and family members. During this event, we all brought different dishes and cords were presented, as well as stoles and speeches were read.
Alexis Garcia who read on behalf of Ms. Keys AVID class, and Jessica Dorsey who read on behalf of Rivas’s class.
“This was my first time hosting a banquet, it was a lot of work and took weeks of planning. I was nervous throughout the banquet because it was the first time having all parents of my AVID students in one room. Yet, it was all worth it; at the end of the night my AVID students’ parents congratulated and thanked me. I am going to miss my first AVID class!”, says AVID teacher Ms. Rivas.
Cords will again be presented during Senior Breakfast on May 10th.