There is a new marquee sign in front of North High. This sign was placed on the corner of 13th and Waco earlier of the school year.
The sign took a couple of months to get to work properly due to technical issues. For a while the East High administration had control of our sign and North High Athletic Director Micheal Ghram had control of East High sign.
Head principal Kristina Murray and Ghram are the only people who have control of the sign now.
Students have wondered why the new marquee was not placed where the old marquee used to be.,
“Due to city easement and the National Historical Society would not allow it in front of the building,” Ghram said.
This sign will provide information about upcoming events or major news about the school. It will also show the weather for the day.
“We are hoping to get more community support and/ or involvement with the school and with athletics,” said Ghram