Narcan now Available at WPS

Sandra Vazquez, Reporter

Unfortunately, substance abuse is something that is becoming more and more popular amongst individuals, most specifically teenagers. Most of them do it because of peer pressure or due to problems at their homes.

According to Data and trends of abuse, deaths due to overdose have increased 500% among 15- to 25-year-olds since 1999. Although it is proven that teenagers in Kansas are almost 20% less likely to have used drugs there is a 6.7% of 12-to-17-year-olds who reported using drugs in the last month.

The Wichita School district permitted Naloxone, also known as Narcan, to be available on school grounds about two weeks ago in an effort to stop further casualties.

Narcan is a nasal spray that can be provided to anyone and is used to treat opioid poisoning. With this medication, the drug’s negative effects are turned around. 

In a conversation with the school nurse, Carmina Suter, she mentioned that it is now provided all throughout district’s schools and stated,

“I hope that I never have to use it, but if I do, I got it,” she said.

Only the nurse and the security staff at North High School are trained to administer Narcan to any students who may be experiencing an overdose. They were instructed to be on the lookout for the following symptoms: pinpoint pupils, a slow heartbeat or no heartbeat at all, and a student who appeared to be breathing slowly or not at all.

The Nasal Spray is located inside the AED box at the corner of C and A hallways on first floor. There are other AED boxes available around the building but the only one that has Narcan is the one by the tower entrance.

It saddens many to know that we have come to these extreme measures, but it’s relieving to know that it will be available in case of an emergency.