A year full of change

Kylie LeValley, Reporter

When I look back on the last day of school last year I got to hang out with one of my favorite 2020 seniors, Jorge Carrilo, and my best friend Jaylynn Lucas during lunch. It was an amazing last day of school before spring break. Little did I know it would be the last day of freshman year.

As I look back at how much my life has changed from that day on, I think of the ways you change. Physically, I think I look pretty much the same but mentally I have grown up and become a better person. When you have to spend so much time at home and not around other people you get to learn yourself so much better.

My life has also changed in so many ways. I was a freshman only wanting to get straight A’s in school, and so excited to write my first news story for high school about girls wrestling. Now I’m going to be a Junior next year worried about scholarships already while taking college classes upon my full schedule of high school classes as a Sophomore.

I was always worried about school and now I know that mental health comes before school and we are only teens once. I have to live my life to the fullest while I still can.

There has been so much loss and hurt and pain and all the emotions you feel in grief and sadness this year. I think feeling those things has made me a better person. I am proud to say and stand up for what I believe in because of the assemblies of people and beliefs we have had this past year.

I never thought that I would have a favorite mask I like to wear or a favorite type of mask, but now that is the life we live in. Through everything that has happened because of COVID-19, I was able to become a better me. I was able to support the people in need by volunteering and be more involved in my community.

With my story in mind, I hope you are inspired to tell your story and speak about who you have become. I truly believe that even though COVID-19 is a terrible thing to happen, it changed me for the better.