Scholars Bowl finds a way

Isabel Paez, Reporter

The Scholar’s Bowl season at North High this year came to a close on the 4th of February at East High. As with most endings it was bittersweet, but it also gave the coaches and team members a chance to reflect on the season they completed during a global pandemic.

Last year around this time tournaments were full of buzzing energy, players waiting in anticipation for some great games. After each game, high fives were given, handshakes were exchanged and so were calls of “good games.”

This year, the energy was much more subdued but still present and sportsmanship was shared at a greater distance. At each in person tournament there were significantly fewer teams than preceding games. Snacks were distributed before hand and everything was prepackaged. Masks were obligatory and distance was maintained whenever possible, even in competition rooms.

For the majority of the season however, the tournaments have been online. Students would meet in one of the coach’s room and join a meeting with other schools.

“It’s been very different,” said Scholars Bowl coach Andrew McCoskey. “Most of the tournaments have been online, we’re in a room facing a computer, facing dozens of teams doing the same thing…What’s been giving me the most motivation is kids have been making time after long school days to come and compete despite obstacles.”

There were, in fact many obstacles throughout the season, in the first online tournament of the season, the competition did not begin until a little over an hour after check in.

Team members Allison Waldt and Jordyn Morse shared their own thoughts on online competition.

“It was new at first, but I liked it honestly, it evened the playing field,” Allison said.

“It was fun after you get used to it,” Jordyn said.

Even though most competitions were online, most practice were still held in person, until teachers were sent home to teach remote.

“It was kinda lonely (at online practices), you’re alone in your living room instead of with others.” Said Waldt.

Coach McCoskey expanded on the downsides to this year’s season.

“ We’ve

had only about a quarter of the tournaments we’d normally have and the players didn’t get as many reps.”

Recently, Scholars Bowl players in the region were once again able to compete in person.

“Once we got to compete again in person, I was apprehensive but once I saw the precautions taken, I got excited again.” McCoskey continues “Our team performed better and that added to the excitement.”

When asked about her feelings on competing in-person again Morse said, “It was nice getting back to the feeling of being actually competitive.”

Waldt added that she “felt elated” when they were able to compete in person and that “it added a sense of normalcy and it made this year seem less fake.”

Coming to a close on a great season Coach McCoskey wanted to give a special thanks.

“Special thanks to our wonderful team captain Taylor Butler, she voluntarily took up an extra captain’s practice which is incredible and something I hadn’t seen done before. Overall, we’re really proud of everyone.”

Scholars Bowl Team Members:

Taylor Butler

Finnegan Eichbauer

Kathleen Warne

Allison Waldt

Jordyn Morse

Maleah Evans

Marcos Montanez

Isabel Paez

Coaches are Andrew McCoskey and Ethan Cornett.