Quick Tips for Finals: how to make the most out the the time you have to Study.

Ellie Stockwell, Reporter

At one point in your Education, you’re eventually going to come across the dreaded finals week- that week where your stress levels are sky high and your grades are on the verge of being demolished, based on how well you do. So in order to help some of you lovelies out, here are some tips to make sure that you make the most of your time before finals in order to remember most of your information.

Tip One:Use your Agenda

Using your agenda to put in dates for homework is good and all, but you can do more with it too! Put in upcoming quizzes and what subject they are, make dates and times to studying for certain subjects. Manage these so that you have one to two subjects to study for each day of the week. Also make sure to allow yourself a break between studying hours. According to the article “Brain Focus And Concentration Problems” At https://lifeseasons.com/, “The human brain is able to focus up to two hours, after which it needs a 20-30 minute break.”

Tip Two: Keep Organized: There is no use whatsoever in keeping a planner to help you remember things if you can’t find the planner in all the huge amounts of paperwork you are drowning in. It is important to keep organized so that you can take out each subject  separately and efficiently. You can even go so far as to color code your subjects by how important or unimportant it is to study at the moment, prioritizing by specific colors. Red could mean it’s extremely important, whereas yellow could indicate that its not as important as what is next to it. Keeping  each subject in color-coded folders or a binder with dividers can also be useful.

Tip Three: Get Plenty of Sleep: It’s often a stereotype that you need to stay up for hours on end and lose a bunch of sleep in order to retain information. However this could not be further from the truth. If you get more sleep, you will be able to pay more attention in class. It’s important to get at least 7 to 8 hours of good sleep in order to function properly. Give yourself a proper amount of sleep right before finals week so that you can pay full attention to the tests in front of you.

These are only some of the ways you can better yourself and help yourself to easily study without getting too stressed. If you have a plan and ways to keep yourself and subjects in check, you will not get overwhelmed. So put down the coffee, go to bed earlier, make a plan, and clean out your backpack. Cause it’s going to seriously help you out in the long run!