Importance of Fine Arts in Schools
October 11, 2019

Fine art is creative art whose products are meant to be appreciated solely for their imaginative, aesthetic, or intellectual content. The traditional categories include, literature, visual, graphic, plastic, decorative, performing, music, and architecture. Each of these categories have specific examples that fit into the category, though some do repeat. For example in performing arts, there is theatre, dance, and music.
Fine arts give people a chance to destress from their other classes and take it easy. Some kids do take these classes just for the credit, but some to truly enjoy these classes. Research has shown that these classes will help students in the future by helping to develop critical thinking skills. Fine arts have also helped kids with their GPA and engaging in after-school activities.
At North, there are quite a few fine arts classes to enroll in. Some of these are, art, drama, band, and choir. Each of these have different level classes that people can take. For example in drama there is Drama 1-4, Repertory Theatre, and Stagecraft 1-3.
In the USD259 school district, only 2.9% of the budget goes towards the fine arts department.
Mr. Sinclair is the journalism teacher at North High. He believes that fine arts are very important because they help kids communicate and helps them gain confidence. ” I think it helps spark creativity that can be carried into all of their other classes,” Sinclair said. He has a fine arts degree. He took an acting class for a semester and it was a confidence booster and helped him make many friends.
An anonymous source said at first that fine arts doesn’t benefit students, but then she changed her mind and said fine arts does help students. “I would say that they are kind of important.” This source has participated in choir, and currently is in theatre, art, and dance outside of school.