New P.E teachers

New to North are P.E. teachers, Ms. Belsom (left) and Ms. Foss (right).

Paola Cordero and Jenny Flores

This year started off with 3 new P.E teachers. We have Ms.Belsom, Mr.Lopez, & Ms.Foss.

Ms. Belsom became a P.E teacher because she wanted to help kids learn about fitness and because she really likes being active and she wants to share her activeness with other people. She has been a P.E teacher for two years. One of her favorite reasons why she’s a P.E teacher is because she doesn’t have to get dressed up everyday. She’s looking forward to experiencing new things since she was in elementary P.E teacher last year and she’s really excited for high school students because they like to do more.

Ms. Foss became a P.E teacher because she was always playing sports when she was younger and she likes helping kids and students so she figured she’d combine those and teach P.E. This is her 3rd year teaching P.E. She likes helping kids stay active and teach them the importance of being healthy and active for their life. She’s also looking forward to getting to know all the staff and students.