Weekly visits help WSU Tech connect with North students

Arely Moreno, Reporter

North faculty and staff want students to take advantage of opportunities and succeed after high school. With that in mind North asked the WSU Tech program to make once a week visits to connect and inform students about options available to them after high school.

WSU Tech Career Pathway Advisor Izarahy Montes said, “the benefit of WSU Tech coming to visit North each week is that it allows students an opportunity to enroll or start a career after graduation or plan ahead for a college degree.”

Some students want to know what programs WSU Tech has and Montes said they “offer programs in healthcare, aviation, business, criminal justice, hospitality, automotive, manufacturing, computer science, and design.”

North students have been taking advantage of these meetings.

“Per week I see about 25 students at North and overall, about 100 with all 259 schools,” Montes said.

Counselor Carlos Cottner and Montes agreed back in the fall that weekly meetings were needed.

“I came and visited with students mid semester and realized the big need for student representation that allowed them to learn about all the free or discounted opportunities they can get while in high school,” Montes said.