Powerderpuff game returns
October 5, 2021
At North, PowderPuff is a tradition where the junior and senior girls play each other in a football game.
It is a game that has been around for years.
According to Ms. Dean, who is a 2008 North grad and the person in charge of the game this year, the game is a fundraiser for the Junior class to help pay for Prom.
Ms. Dean said, “we have always hosted the game during homecoming week, the same night as the bonfire. This helps more students participate since they only come to school for one evening.”
Therefore she also said that she doesn’t really know if there is a reason that we only play a Junior vs Senior game. Again, traditionally, those are the classes that have played. It gives Freshmen and Sophomores something to look forward to participating in in the future.
This year, the game is Oct. 6th at 5:00 p.m. at the football field. Players and cheerleaders paid $12 to play, which included a t-shirt. Player registration has closed, but everyone is welcome to come to the game.
Admission is $3 per person at the gate and we will have concessions available. Students, especially Juniors, that would like to help with the event can email me. O
ne may get involved in this event is they need additional help with set up before the event, concessions, ticket sales at the gate, and clean-up after the event. Contact Ms. Dean for more information.