In-Person V.S Remote – Pros and cons
Which learning style do you prefer?
January 29, 2021
On January 25th North High students recently went back to school using the BOE approved hybrid model. I decided to see how some North High students felt. I interviewed three remote and three in-person students to get their opinions.
The Pros and Cons from Students in Remote learning :
- Learning at home can lessen your chance of catching Covid
- You can learn at your own pace without being pressured
- Not as stressful as normal school
- Not having to get ready for school
- There is no drama on remote
- Don’t have to interact with people making it peaceful
- Might not understand the content
- Tons of work
- Staring at a screen all day
- Higher chance of procrastination
- No hands-on activates
- Can get bored and do other things, like sleeping
The Pros and Cons from Students learning in-person:
- You get a chance to interact with people
- Teachers can help you more
- With Covid distancing it is less crowded
- There is less distractions
- Stronger connection with teachers
- Easy to ask for help
- Could catch Covid on school grounds
- Masks can be very uncomfortable
- Too much work (compared to remote)
- Not in the comfort of your own home.
Despite these challenges we have to overcome this together, whether it is from the comfort of our home or the tranquility of the school.