How choir kids are preparing for Little Shop

Musicals and plays have similarities but preparing for a musical is much more different. One of the key attributes to having a good musical is having a good vocal ensemble, which is why the drama department is collaborating with choir or the vocal music department at north.

Auditions took place about two weeks ago and the cast list has already been put together. Drama teacher, Mr.Galbreath and Choir teacher, Ms.Davidson, came together to decide who would be getting each part.

A choir student who got a role in this musical, Marlen Castañeda, stated that this would be her first musical here at North. When preparing for a musical she says that it is like “Taking all the different parts like chorus and the do’wops and putting it together with the accompaniment.”

For this show the majority of singers are choir students. Unlike plays, most rehearsals right now are going to be in the choir room. The architect of the room is made for singing, has the pianos and even practice rooms where people can focus on their vocals individually.

Typically at North the drama students and choir students don’t get chances to collaborate on things. She thinks this will be the most difficult thing for her but she is still excited to meet new people and says “I think the end product will be really cool and fun because I’ve never done something like this.”

Ms.Davidson has participated in several different musicals at North like Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory and You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown. She says “I think its fun to bring different kids that don’t necessarily hang out together and see what all that creativity can create.” The only challenge she had found is “putting it together in a short amount of time.” But she also says she is looking forward to “seeing how much everyone grows in the process.”